Isaiah 43:5

"Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, and gather you from the west." Isaiah 43:5

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Do Not Forget

To put it mildly I am amazed and excited to see God's hand during this season of life! A mom who adopted 13 years ago from Korea helped us to get Eli's helmet (correct some of the flatness from being a preemie), He was moved up to the first group for visas, and now...are you ready?...He is already out of the Korean embassy after 1 week not 4-8! It appears the social worker was telling a woman at the embassy about Eli's little helmet and how neat he is about it and the agent processed him that day. We could get a travel call ANY DAY!
At this moment I am filled with amazement and gratitude to the Lord. But I also know that I too feel anxious about the unknown. I was laying in bed worrying about his transition. When should I take him to each specialist for his minor stuff? Where will he sleep first, our bed or his bed? Will his really loud yet loving sister keep him awake? And on and on and on I went down the rabbit hole of worry.
Then this morning during my quiet time the Lord brought a verse to me that I have been reading and thinking on lately. Dt. 8:2 says "You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these 40 years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commandments." Infertility and adoption have been my wilderness and yet he has provided in ways I could not have imagined. Yet the last few nights I have allowed worry over circumstances and the unknown to steal my joy and my sleep. I have been thankful but I have fallen into my usual pattern of self reliance instead of trust. Kinda like "ok God you took the big stuff now I shall worry and fret my way through the details." Israel grumbled that the army of Egypt would kill them and God parted the Sea. They grumbled that they had no refreshment and God brought it 2X and they grumbled they had no food and He gave manna and quails. Over and over God tested them and they failed. They would forget his last miracle and move on unchanged. So this morning my prayer is that I will allow this miracle in my life to really change my attitude and to seek to trust God in everything without complaining when I am challenged. Priscilla Shirer puts it this way "Don't let the hunger you feel today cause you to complain and forget His past goodness in your life."


  1. oh my goodness!!! this is so amazing, jen!!!! i'm SO excited for you! our TC came two days after carson's paperwork was out of the embassy, so really, you could be gone next week! eek! please, please, please let me know if you need anything!

  2. I love this post Jen, such a beautiful reminder. I don't ever, ever want to forget either. May we always remember the Lord's love and faithfulness throughout this process. I am praying for you guys! This is so exciting!!!
